Brighter Futures with the Power of Light
Focus on Photonics
The world is changing at light speed, and we will all change with it. We use the potential of light not only to advance our customers on global markets, but also to help shape changes in our society. Jenoptik focuses on its core competencies in the field of optical technologies.
"More Light" for a global photonics group
Our Strategy 2022 focuses on the development of Jenoptik to a global photonics company. Corporate strategy crucially depends on a corporate culture and a strong brand that supports the achievement of the strategic goals.
Our motto "More Light" stands above all our initiatives for a successful, fast growing and profitable Jenoptik.
Our strategy is based upon the three pillars "More Focus", "More Innovation" and "More International". We focus on photonics and simplify our business structures. We also want to expand our research and development activities. We are strengthening our global presence by increasing the international spirit of our teams and by expanding local production, for example in Asia.
Jenoptik is at the beginning of a new era: the era of light.
Photonics is our strength. Our photonics-based products and services provide our customers with the competitive edge they need.